Sealcoating and crack-filling protects and beautifies asphalt pavement.When the pavement is sealcoated and the cracks are filled, this can prevent frost heaves and pot holes. Cracks allow water to penetrate into the gravel base and are a threat to the integrity of your driveway. Water that enters the gravel base can then soften the soil under an asphalt. If this happens, the weight of the cars going over this soft area can cause the paved surface to crack in even more places. Water under the asphalt surface in the cold regions of the U.S. will then freeze in the winter months and cause frost heaves.
ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SEAL A BRAND NEW DRIVEWAY. Fresh asphalt contains weight oils that eventually evaporate into the atmosphere. These oils are responsible for the tender nature of fresh asphalt. As these oils evaporate, the asphalt gets harder and harder. Sealers prevent this evaporation. If you seal a new asphalt driveway, it may permanently stay soft. Generally speaking, you should seal your asphalt paved driveway or parking lot 1 year after it is initially installed, then every 2-3 years thereafter.
Sealing a driveway yourself may look like a bargain. But you get what you pay for...If you want to reseal every year, do it yourself using a retail seal coating product. They usually contain sand and coal-tar emulsions, and they may be rubberized. They do not bind well to the asphalt below. And they don't last very long.

If you want your driveway seal coating application to last 3 to 5 years, or more, call a professional that uses a product that contains GILSONITE. The reasons are clear: The professional buys quality sealers in bulk at a very considerable cost savings. Their materials are better and more durable than over-the-counter supplies. However, they are usually too caustic for consumer use. Professional sealcoating applications with liquid asphalt often last longer because the quality of their materials is superior. Their up-front cost is higher, and therefore you pay a bit more for each application. But it costs less per year in the long run. You won't have to apply it every year because the liquid asphalt binds with, and becomes part of, the pavement. It has no build-up or cracking (like latex or rubber sealers), so the pavement looks better and lasts longer, too.
Gilsonite Sealer – we have this shipped from Maryland. It can ‘t be purchased in hardware or home repair stores. We strongly believe this product is the best in the market and have it shipped to us for that reason. This sealer applies and looks very shiny once applied. After a few weeks, it will look black and velvety.Gilsonite, or North American Asphaltum is a natural, resinous hydrocarbon found in the Uintah Basin in northeastern Utah. This sealer is composed of hard gilsonite asphalt resin; it adds seals and protects the pavement against the effects of weathering.Unlike water base sealers, this asphalt based sealer will not be damaged by freezing weather, nor will it wash off if caught by a rain shower before completely dry. This is a penetrating asphalt-based sealer that resaturates and rejuvenates asphalt surfaces, forming a lustrous jet black finish. This driveway coating protects against moisture and frost damage - your pavement’s worst enemies. It also resists fuel, oil and chemical staining. Asphalt-based sealcoating products are better for air quality because they do not emit high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like the coal tar-based products do. They also smell better and are less of a skin irritant.
No, it does not. Prior to sealing, we need the asphalt to be dry, but once applied, if it rains, there is no adverse effect.